The November 2021 Temperature Departure chart is shown in Figure 1.
In general we’ve had a somewhat cooler than normal autumn, but November was slightly warmer than normal, with a monthly temperature average of 47.9˚F, about 1.4F above normal. Several strong atmospheric storms hitting the Puget Sound region from the tropics to the southwest passed through the city mid-month and towards the end. These storms brought warm, tropic air with them with plenty of moisture. These multi-day temperature spikes can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Daily temperature departs from 30Y climatic normals through November 30.
Click image to enlarge.
Normally, I’d add a chart showing new monthly precipitation totals, but I’ve reported these in several previous blog posts over the past few days. There’s no sense repeating that information here. Click to Prev button at the bottom of this post to navigate to those posts if you’re interested.