After a long, rainy start to the year (really all the way back to last October) it has been a summer of sun. Total sun. We may have had one really rainy day in mid-June, but other than that it has been mostly clear since May. This pink weed — not really, but a perennial flower misplaced by some bird or the wind in the abrasive grass over a decade ago — has bloomed early this year.
Today we turned the page into August. They say we're in for some hot weather beginning this afternoon through Friday. They're predicting temperatures in the high 90's to 100's here in the Land of No Air Conditioning (that may change soon for me if recent summer trending appears to become a permanent seasonal state).
I took on a backyard garden project earlier this summer. Basically, it was to rip up the small lawn and replace it with a garden. But it requires me to build a bridge across the space to avoid mud when the rains return. The bridge could be stoneworks, deck platforms, or a simple crushed gravel path.
34 dishes of water to confuse the cats and birds...
The turf is up and gone. Some plants have been transplanted temporarily into the garden space. I've organized all of the building materials. Even cleaned the pots and dishes I've collected over the years in a delaying tactic yesterday. Last night, in anticipation of the hot days to come, I topped off the dishes with hose water for the local cats and birds that pass through the yard. The neighbor's cat must have thought he stepped into nirvana this morning when he found thirty four dishes of fresh, cold water on the patio. He took a taste from many of them and looked all around repeatedly - a sort of confused but happy look. I'll keep them out and filled during the heat wave even at the risk of stepping in them myself and soaking my shoes. It's happened a few times already. And at risk of attracting more raccoons. I guess they need water too.
But I've reached a point of indecision on the "bridge"— really a hardscape connector between an existing sidewalk and a patio. The path of stone pavers is out for now. Not enough time for design and building left this summer. A series of connected cedar deck pads is designed, about 85% complete. I have much of the needed wood left over from previous projects but I have some details to complete yet on the design and Bill of Materials. Then, last week a crushed gravel path appealed to me, even if only a temporary one. So I temporarily changed course and designed several new options in addition to the decks. Yesterday I took trip across town to the gravel yard and priced the gravel path material and delivery costs. By afternoon, I was reconsidering the deck, not due to cost, just due to preferences.
I love the sun we're having. I can't stay inside while it's so nice outside. What I could really use is a cloudy or rainy day to have an excuse to stay indoors, finalize my designs, perform an analysis of my best option, and make a decision. Otherwise I keep vacillating.
A true First World complaint if there ever was one, as they say.