Series 2: U.S. State and Regional Totals
Data last updated: February 14, 2021
Notice: This will be the last update of state-level data. For further information, please click here.
Dot Plots - COVID Testing, State Comparisons (Figures 2-1 thru 2-6)
A dot plot is similar to a column or bar chart. In general, a category data type is plotted on one axis and a data value is plotted on the second axis. In the following charts, individual U.S. states and the District of Columbia provide the categorical data, and their measure is defined in each chart. The states are generally arranged in order of greatest value to least. The most recent date recorded is listed in the upper right hand quadrant.
The first three charts show data based on cumulative totals and include:
the cumulative and current COVID-19 testing completed (FIG 2-1 & FIG 2-4);
The cumulative and current count of positive cases per state, cumulative (FIG 2-2 & FIG 2-5);
The cumulative and current COVID-19 positive return rates for each state (FIG 2-3 & FIG 2-6).
Click on to expand.
Dot Plots - State Comparisons, COVID-19 Medical Treatment and Deaths
(Figures 2-7 thru 2-9)
The next three charts show data based on most recent date totals and include:
medical treatment, including: hospitalization; ICU cases; and respirator patients. (FIG 2-7);
deaths per state, most recently (FIG 2-8); and
a strip plot of deaths by state due to COVID-19 (FIG 2-9).
Click to enlarge.
Regional Comparisons
Data last updated on: February 14, 2021
The follow sets of charts compare states as grouped by specific regions in the United States. The regions are somewhat arbitrarily chosen, but they tend to follow other regional groupings found in other statistical data or former college sports conferences sports league. Grouped states generally share a basic location and similar population densities. I also had an interest in keeping the region groups relative even in size, so most groups have a minimum of five states and a maximum of seven states.
Cumulative Totals by Region (Figures 2-10 thru 2-13)
The first to regional charts show the cumulative number of positive COVID tests. Figure 2-10 uses a linear scale on the x-axis. Figure 2-11 shows the same data using a logarithmic scale on the x-axis. In fact, for all of the remaining sets of regional charts this scaling pattern will prevail.
The next set of regional charts show the number of new COVID cases for the date listed on the chart. Figure 2-12 uses a linear scale on the x-axis. Figure 2-13 shows the same data using a logarithmic scale on the x-axis.
For a full size view, click below:
covid, covid-19, states, u.s., hospitalizations, icu, ventilators, deaths, comparisons, strip plot, distributuion, dot plots, regional, new cases, positivity, regions , new testing, new cases, rate of change,
Data Sources (unless indicated differently):
The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic and in accordance with Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0
Data Graphics Software (unless indicated differently):
Visual Data Tools, Inc. DataGraph 4.6.1 for macOS.
Chart Design: © David Blackwell, Seattle, 2021. Please contact for permission to use: