States: COVID Testing, Cumulative

February 22, 2022
Data up to: February 21, 2022 unless otherwise noted on a specific chart.

The following charts show the cumulative count of COVID-19 tests for each state and the District of Columbia. The state names are initialized and are presented in alphabetical order.

Keep in mind, these charts are not based on per capita data, so states with large populations (e.g. California, Florida, Texas and New York, etc.) will likely test their respective populations for COVID at far greater levels than smaller states.

Click on any individual chart to expand it.


covid, covid-19, states, u.s., comparisons, new testing, rate of change, cumulative

The COVID data is provided by John Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine and used in accordance with a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License.

Prior to JHU, the COVID data was provided by the COVID Tracking Project (CTP) at The Atlantic and used in accordance with a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License. The CTP ceased updating data on March 7, 2021. Further updates were continued by JHU.